ReTree the District
ReTree the District is a community development initiative in Buffalo’s University District that has planted about 1,300 trees across the community. The project is reinvesting in our urban tree canopy, strengthening ties among neighbors, restoring our parks and greenspaces, and encouraging hands-on volunteerism.

Bailey Fights Blight
Bailey Fights Blight is a community-based project that seeks to improve public spaces and re-imagine vacant or underutilized properties on Bailey Avenue in Buffalo. Together with volunteers,we are organizing community cleanups, boarding up and securing blighted and vacant storefronts, and incorporating public art as a way to help redevelop one of Buffalo’s major East Side commercial corridors.

Tyler Street Community Garden
The Tyler Street Community Garden is a vibrant neighborhood green space in a former vacant lot located at 73 Tyler Street in University Heights. This initiative builds community, transforming a once underutilized plot of land into a lively garden where community members grow local produce, host gardening workshops, engage in service learning and host events.

University Blooms
University Blooms is a partnership of community groups using gardening as a tool to beautify public gardens, parks and green spaces across the University District through direct service and gardening workshops. Annual bulb plantings, community gardening days and park cleanups engage volunteers in improving their environment to reduce blight and improve public health.