In-Person Borrowing is Back!

Dear Tooligans,

Spring is in the air, and with it the hum of your favorite lawn and gardening equipment from The Tool Library! With warmer temperatures on the way, we are excited to announce that The Tool Library will be back open for in-person borrowing starting Wednesday, May 5th.

Due to increased demand and limited volunteer capacity, we’ll no longer be offering curbside service. You can call or text us during our regular hours of operation to reserve a tool for same day pick-up and we will continue to maintain a wait list for high-demand tools.

Our hours are Wednesday through Friday 2-7PM and Saturday 10am-4pm

What does this mean for picking up tools?

  • While we will encourage walk-in visits, members can still call or text same day reservations during our regular hours of operation (716-510-1745).
  • We will NOT accept reservations via email. 
  • If members are not able to pick up items the same day, we can NOT accept their reservation. 
  • We will maintain a waitlist for high-demand tools
  • We will no longer offer curbside service. Members will need to come into the shop to pick-up their tools.
  • One member will be allowed to come into The Tool Library at a time. 
  • If someone is already in the shop, please wait on one of the teal X’s you’ll see on the sidewalk outside
  • Go forth and build great things with your borrowed tools!

What does this mean for dropping off tools?

  • Items will no longer be dropped off next door at 9 W. Northrup Place
  • All items need to be returned in-person to The Tool Library’s main storefront
  • This will help ensure tools are checked in and any issues with operation can be addressed
  • Please do not leave tools outside The Tool Library outside our regular hours of operation

General Notes:

  • As required by New York State guidelines, we request that all members wear a mask or face covering when picking up or dropping off tools. We also ask that you wash or sanitize your hands before picking up or dropping off tools.
  • We ask that you please sanitize your tools before returning them to The Tool Library (recommended ways to sanitize tools can be found on the CDC’s website
  • Volunteers are required to wear masks while working in the shop.
  • Incoming tools will be sanitized and then left to sit in a separate area of The Tool Library for 24 hours before being put away.

We are a smaller organization with no paid staff, but thanks to a powerful network of volunteers and members we’ve continued to adapt and respond to new challenges since the beginning of the pandemic. Keep us posted on how things are working out, where we might be able to make improvements, and how we can continue to support our community.

Borrow on friends,

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