Dare to Repair Cafe August Planning Meeting


Thank you to all those who attended our last Dare to Repair planning meeting. Download the meeting minutes.



We would like to get another planning meeting on the calendar before the September event, so please respond with your availability to this Doodle poll at your easiest convenience:  https://beta.doodle.com/poll/h53wfq77reqw53qq



This form allows those interested to sign up to become a fixer with the Repair Cafe: https://goo.gl/forms/V6ZLn8Z3JM17p7ve2  Feel free to share on social media and with anyone you think might be interested in doing some fixin’!

This will augment the spreadsheet we’ve been using to keep track of everyone’s contact info: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hzTd6kA4FlcxWeccMF5IrU1SpmPftttaK4sKhe2Jkcg/edit?usp=sharing
We’ll be adding the form to the website, which you can find here: https://thetoollibrary.org/daretorepair/ (Donation link is now active!)

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