Dare to Repair Cafe

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Partners in Buffalo are looking to bring the concept of a “repair cafe” to fruition in the city this year. The City of Buffalo Recycling Department along with the University Heights Tool Library, University Heights CoLab, and Knowledgefire are looking to schedule the first Dare to Repair Cafe in the fall.

For those unfamiliar with the idea of a “Repair Cafe”, they are community events where individuals can bring broken items (lamps, vacuums, toys, etc.) to the repair cafe and have expert volunteer “fixers” try to repair the item alongside them for free. While there is no guarantee that an item can be fixed, participants are sure to learn something new and have fun along the way!

Originating in the Netherlands and currently operating in more than thirty countries and 11 states, repair cafes represent an effort to combat the high cost of our disposable culture (with Americans generating about 254 million tons of garbage in 2013 alone according to EPA estimates) and shift people’s mindset toward fixing and reusability. Not only does this cut down on household waste and help rekindle a fixer culture, it also builds hands-on skills and strengthens ties within a community. It’s not just about fixing things, it’s about building community!


If you are interested in becoming a volunteer fixer, helping to plan the first dare to repair cafe, or just want to learn a little bit more about the concept, please fill out your availability via this Doodle Poll for our July planning meeting: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/h72acahrd6xntdvw

You can find minutes from the 6/28 planning meeting here:

Interested in lending a hand? Add your name to our spreadsheet of volunteer contacts/skill list:

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