Bailey Fights Blight – Be Part of the Change!


Join your neighbors & help continue the grassroots revitalization of Bailey Avenue this SATURDAY at 10AM!

Back by popular demand, Bailey Fights Blight has scheduled three additional days of service in August! Whether it be weeding, mulching, painting, or all of the above, Bailey Fights Blight is taking a hands-on approach to neighborhood improvement and creating a stronger more beautiful University District through hard work and sweat equity.

Join us for the first of three events on Saturday, August 6th at 10AM as we’re joined by volunteers from the UB Med School to weed and mulch all the street trees along Bailey Avenue. Home base for the day will be the Varsity Theatre located at 3165 Bailey Avenue. Bring a friend, family member, or neighbor and please share with those you think would be interested. We’ll bring the tools, you bring the power!

Bailey Fights Blight is a collaborative project being spearheaded by the Bailey Avenue Business Association and supported by the University District Community Development AssociationUniversity Heights Tool Library, and artist Nicholas Miller, that seeks to board up and secure blighted and vacant storefronts along Bailey Avenue, while incorporating public art as a way to beautify the neighborhood, re-imagine blighted properties and help redevelop the commercial corridor’s identity and sense of place.

Started in 2014, Bailey Fights Blight has helped increase property values, create new partnerships, attract new businesses, and encourage facade improvements and new signage along the East Side commercial corridor.

There are many ways to get involved with Bailey Fights Blight. Please RSVP and share our Facebook Events:

  All sessions will meet at the Varsity Theatre (3165 Bailey Ave)

Media & Logistics Contact:
Darren Cotton, University District Community Development Association
P: 716-857-0096

If you’re have trouble finding our group of volunteers when you arrive please call the above number.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Bailey Fights Blight is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; administered by Arts Service Initiative of Western New York

Additional support provided by:

Buffalo Auto Group, Buffalo Promise Neighborhood, Junior League of Buffalo, Imperial Food Market, UB Office of Community Relations, University District Community Development Association, University District Councilmember Wyatt, University Heights Collaborative, University District Block Club Coalition, University Heights Tool Library

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