Featured Volunteer: Shoshana

Shoshana is one of our most dedicated shop volunteers, constantly filling in to help out the shop whenever possible. After buying her home, Shoshana realized how many tools she only needed to use once, which started her Tool Library journey. Since then, Shoshana has discovered the value of being both a member and a volunteer.

  • What prompted you to become a member at the Tool Library?
    Buying a home and realizing how many different tools you can collect that you only use once. It was maddening! They cost so much money, then they just sit and take up space when you’re done.
  • How have you benefited from your Tool Library membership?
    New tools are exciting for me. The first time I used a rototiller was game-changing for me. Same for the jack-jaw (a new super tool that pulls posts and stakes right out of the ground). I also do a lot of home maintenance with my wife. We’ve built a large vegetable and flower garden in our yard, moved a wall in our house, and reconfigured our kitchen a bit.
  • What services or tools does the Tool Library offer that surprised you the most?
    The fact that we can 3D print parts for our Dare to Repair cafe’s is mind blowing. I brought in an automatic cat feeder that had a tiny broken plastic piece. We were able to take some pictures and some measurements of the part, print it up, and this feeder was back in working order! 
  • What kind of volunteer work do you do at the shop?
    I’m a go-to waitlist maintainer, verifying what’s available on the waitlist and calling the members who are next in line. If you have a voicemail from me, call us back asap! I also am an avid chainsaw fixer. They frequently come back to us out of whack so I clean them up, line them up, and send them back out the door.
  • What do you enjoy most about volunteering?
    I really do enjoy my time in the shop. Helping members find the right tool for their job, hearing about jobs that have been completed, and keeping the flow of tools moving from member to member is really what it’s all about for me.
  • Has volunteering changed your views on our community? How so?
    I feel more connected to community members. Getting to know some of our regulars has been so fun, and I feel like I’m contributing to the work they’re doing at their homes or in the community.
  • Any advice for folks interested in volunteering at the Tool Library?
    Don’t wait! Join the team! We need a wide variety of volunteers who can help out with our shop operations, Dare to Repair, and our Service Days. You don’t have to know a bunch about tools to get involved; You just have to care!
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